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CEIS, centro de ensayos Innovación y servicios

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Basic and advanced transformer maintenance

Routine transformer oil analysis is a regular practice widely accepted in the industry. Depending on the type of equipment or operation, location and importance, CEIS will recommend an analysis package that will allow knowing the condition of the dielectric and transformer oil in order to help you make the best decisions for maintenance control and/or to prematurely detect faults in your transformers.

We have been providing our transformer oil analysis and diagnosis services for over 20 years. We currently have over 500,000 results, and our ability to process thousands of samples per year and consulting our databases mean we are in a position to provide the most complete solution available on the market for control and maintenance of your transformers.

Tests and regulations:

    • Dissolved gases analysis: UNE EN 60567:2012 Sections 7.2, 7.5, 8 and 9
    • Dissolved furanic compounds: UNE EN 61198:1996
    • Visual appearance and colour: ISO 2049:1996
    • Water content by coulometric Karl-Fischer titration assessment: UNE-EN 60814:99
    • Determination of dielectric rupture tension: UNE-EN 60156:97
    • Determination of Dielectric Loss Factor: (Tg δ) UNE-EN 60247:04
    • Determination of Neutralisation Index:  PE ACE 04 Rev 06
    • Methods for counting and sizing particles: UNE-EN 60970:2008

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