Plastic Pipes Inside Buildings Conference 2019
CEIS participates in Plastic Pipes Inside Buildings Conference with the presentation “Antioxidant depletion in PP-R pipes exposed to Thermostability Test and Thermal Cycling Test”, that has been carried out by Federico Muñoz, Technical Commercial Director CEIS.
Plastic Pipes Inside Buildings Conference is an international event dedicated exclusively to the plastics industry which bring together technicians, suppliers, installation contractors and the sector major bodies. They are focused on all technical and business issues related to plastic pipes in building applications, such as hot and cold water installations, electrical installations and gas installations.
About CEIS
CEIS is an Accredited Laboratory that Tests Plastic Piping for all applications related to construction and building, verifying that in all service conditions the requirements established in national and international standards (UNE, EN, ISO and SANS) are complied with.
The acknowledgement of numerous international certification bodies guarantees our independence and solvency. Our experts with extensive experience in a wide range of products and applications will provide a fast and reliable response.